Sunday Worship begins 9:45 am




Have Mercy!

August 19, 2018 0 comments

Posted in: Uncategorized

Once in a while we have to do some hard things…. Like not have coffee in the morning… or watch an episode of the Bachelor… or listen to country music… you know what I am talking about.  Some of the hard things we have to do are our choice and sometimes others make the choice for us.  They can be more physical or more mental and there is typically some sort of reason why we have to do hard things. (I said “typically”)

 I think one hard thing we are called to do as Christians is to show MERCY… oh man!  This is a tough one… it does not come easy… BUT when we show mercy (compassion/forgiveness) it affects us and the other person.  In Luke Jesus says; “be merciful just as your Father is merciful.”  Oh that’s right God shows us mercy!  (Ephesians 2:4-5)  … so why is it so hard to do to someone else what we enjoy for ourselves?  (I’ll let you think about that.)

When we do hard things it gets us out of our comfort zone… when we do hard things it helps us to grow… when we do hard things we realize we can’t do it on our own… when we do hard things it can benefit other people in a positive way.

So much good can come from doing one hard thing like showing mercy!  Stay close to Jesus, ask Him for help and let’s do this thing!


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