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I'm Not Always The Most Intentional Person

March 20, 2016 0 comments

Posted in: Uncategorized

I am not always the most intentional person, I want to be but I just fall short a lot of the time. If we are to do something that is intentional it means that it is done on purpose, there was thought behind it and some sort of a plan made.
Every morning when I wake up to wet sheets (my kids, not mine) I get pretty frustrated, but I need to remind myself that it was not done intentionally. When some one says som thing to me or does something to me that is hurtful and done for the purpose of hurting it is more frustrating because it was done intentionally.
A lot of great things are done when we are intentional and a lot of really bad things can happen when we are intentional.

I think that Jesus, of course, gives us many examples of how He was intentional so that great things would happen.  In John chapter 4 we have the story of the woman at the well and I think this is a great story but before Jesus even starts talking to the woman we see how intentional He was. In verse four the Bible says, "He had to go through Samaria." This was not the typical route; Jews avoided this, all the time. But Jesus went this way on purpose! Because Jesus was intentional with His route and intentional about talking to the woman amazing things happened that had eternal value!
Its stories like this that encourage me to be more intentional in positive ways. I try to be intentional with Laura, and my kids. I also try to be intentional with the conversations I have with people. And the reason I want to be intentional is NOT to have the attention be on me but I want the attention to be on Jesus and eternal things. It is the eternal things that matter and will matter forever.
How can you be intentional this week? Don’t just go through the motions and play the game, there is too much at stake!

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