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Just A thought: Voices

November 22, 2022 0 comments

Posted in: Just a Thought

The truth is that there are all kinds of voices contending for our attention. And the more we tune into worldly chatter, the less we listen to God. Have you ever tried to listen to two people talking at the same time?  We can’t give an ear to both God and the world simultaneously.  One voice will emerge more dominant than the other, and our thoughts and actions will be impacted by whichever one we give precedence to. It’s called the power of influence… You’ve probably heard the saying, “You are what you eat.”  We will become what we consume.  It also works in other realms.  It matters what we listen to - who we hang out with … It matters a lot.

So what’s the strongest voice speaking into you?  Is it social media, news, a friend, an organization, a podcast?  Or are you speaking the truth in love because Scripture is the loudest voice in your life?  There is only one way to avoid looking, acting, and sounding like the world:  giving Christ the position of most dominant voice.  Practically speaking, this means I have to spend time in God’s Word.  I need to read it and know it and listen to it.  Are we basing decisions on something God said or something the world says?

I’m not saying we should be ignorant or passive when it comes to the direction of our society.  It’s a good thing to be informed and prayerful.  But who’s got your ear? That’s the question we need to evaluate because we are easily influenced.  I love the fact that the Holy Spirit opens our minds to Gods truth and reminds us of God’s truth. (John 14:26)  I count on that.  But to be reminded of something means you’ve already heard it.  As I see it, if I fail to put God’s Word in my heart and mind, I give the Spirit little to work with.

One voice will emerge as dominant over every other noise.  The question is, whose voice will it be?  God’s voice may not be the loudest one out there.  We may have to tune out a lot of other influences to listen to it, but His is absolutely the best voice to follow.  Please give God’s voice precedence over any other.  Then from your mouth will come truth and a joyful noise.

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