Sunday Worship begins 9:45 am




Just a Thought: Coincidence??

November 25, 2012 0 comments

Posted in: Just a Thought

Daniel 12:3 Those who are wisewill shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

Most people have never heard of the first overseas missionary from America to Burma, Adoniram Judson. I know those who have gone to Myanmar have visited the church there. Judson was a brilliant person who went to college when he was just 16. He graduated valedictorian of his class at the age of 19. He was the son of a pastor, raised with Godly values, however while in college, he met a student named Jacob Eames, who denied Christ and the Bible. By the time Judson finished college he had turned completely from the Lord and for a short time lived a reckless life, until a series of God-explosions turned his life inside out.

While his life was messed up he was traveling and he stayed at a small inn where he had never been before. The owner apologized that his sleep might be interrupted because a critically ill man staying in the next room. The next day, as Judson was leaving, he asked about the sick man, and was informed that the man had died during the night. Judson asked, “Do you know who he was?” The man replied, “Oh yes. Name was Eames, Jacob Eames.”

Judson could hardly move. He sat for hours pondering death and eternity. He thought, this has to have meaning. This could not, be pure coincidence. From that moment forward, Judson knew God was real. He rededicated his life and became a missionary in Burma for nearly 40 years. Before he died, he translated the Bible into Burmese, and planted over 100 churches.

Coincidence - do you really believe that? No, God had a plan for Judson and he has a plan for us. Perhaps God will place someone in your path today that you can as the scripture says “lead to righteousness.” Each of us is called to the mission field – the one right outside our door!

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