The Gospel of John

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The Gospel of John

October 3, 2021

"Do You Love Me?"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 21:15–17, 1 Corinthians 16:22, John 8:42, Romans 10:17

September 26, 2021


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 20:19–22, Luke 24:36–49, Daniel 12:2–3,

September 19, 2021

"Do You Love Me?"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 21:15–17

September 12, 2021

"Just Believe"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 20:24–29, Psalm 145:8

September 5, 2021


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 20:1–18,

August 29, 2021

"The Cross, Shame and Family"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 19:23–27, Psalm 22:18, Isaiah 50:6

August 22, 2021

"The Cross of Jesus"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 19:16–22, John 19:25–30, Jeremiah 2:13, Psalm 22:1

August 15, 2021

"You Have No Power"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 18:33–38, John 19:8–11, Galatians 5:26

August 8, 2021

"The Father's Cup"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 18:10–11, Revelation 5:5

August 1, 2021

"Focus on Jesus"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 18:12–27, Titus 1:16

July 25, 2021

"Shocking Words"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 18:1–11, Hebrews 10:31, 2 Corinthians 5:10–11, Jeremiah 31:3

July 11, 2021

"Holy People"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 17:14–19, Ecclesiastes 5:2, Isaiah 6:2, Matthew 6:18, Psalm 111:9

July 4, 2021

"Holy Father"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 17:1–20, John 1:12

June 27, 2021

"Christ and His Peace"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 16:27–33, 2 Corinthians 8:9, Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:33–34,

June 13, 2021

"Joy in the Mourning"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 16:16–22, Proverbs 8:30, Acts 4:12, 1 Corinthians 6:10, John 15:11

June 6, 2021

"Jesus and the Spirit"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 16:1–5, Hebrews 1:3, Galatians 5:22–23

March 21, 2021


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 14:15–18, John 13:30, John 14:1, 1 John 2:3–5, John 14:26, Galatians 5:22–23

March 14, 2021

"Greater Things"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 14:12–15

March 7, 2021

"Divine Q & A"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 14:7–9, Ephesians 3:20

February 28, 2021

"Show Us The Father"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 14:8–11, John 17:3, John 6:37, Romans 10:13

February 21, 2021

"The Way To The Father"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 14:6–9, John 3:16, John 1:1

February 14, 2021

"A Place For You"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 14:1–5, John 17:24, 1 John 3:2, Psalm 17:15, Daniel 12:3

June 21, 2020


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 13:1–5, John 13:12–16, Mark 10:45

May 24, 2020

"Glory in the Cross"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 12:27–32, John 12:35–36, Galatians 6:14, Romans 10:9

May 17, 2020

"Falling into..."

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 12:20–33

May 3, 2020

"Savior of the World"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 12:20–26, John 3:16, John 8:12

April 26, 2020


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 12:1–9, Mark 14:5, Mark 14:3, John 11:32,

April 19, 2020

"I Am The Resurrection"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 11:20–27, Romans 4:25, 1 Corinthians 3:21–23, Romans 10:9

March 8, 2020


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 10:30–42, Psalm 82:35, Matthew 5:17–18, John 8:31–32

March 1, 2020

"The True Shepherd"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 10:14–30

February 23, 2020

"A Life Of Hearing God"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 10:27–28, 1 Samuel 3:1– 4:1, Proverbs 29:18, Amos 8:11, Matthew 17:5, Hebrews 11:6, Amos 3:3, 1 Corinthians 4:10, 1 Thessalonians 1:5, John 17:3, Hebrews 1:1–2, Psalm 66:18

February 16, 2020

"HIs Voice"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 10:24–30, 1 Corinthians 1:27–29, Ephesians 1:4–5, Psalm 103:13–14, Romans 8:29–30, Matthew 10:32–33

February 9, 2020

"I Am the Door"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 10:7–10, John 14:6, John 9:5, Psalm 23:1–6, John 10:27–28

February 2, 2020

"The Good Shepherd"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 10:1–11

January 26, 2020

"The Question"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 9:35–38, Acts 4:12, Matthew 7:21–23, Romans 10:17, John 14:21, Romans 10:9–10

January 19, 2020

"We Know, We Know"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 9:18–33, 2 Timothy 1:12, Job 19:25, 1 John 3:14, Romans 8:28, 1 John 3:2, Proverbs 4:18, 1 Corinthians 2:14

January 12, 2020

"One Thing I Know"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 9:25, John 9:5, John 12:21, Matthew 15:8–9, Psalm 86:12, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Genesis 1:3

January 5, 2020


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 9:1–12

December 29, 2019

"Two Humanities"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 8:42–59, Colossians 1:13, 2 Peter 1:4

November 24, 2019

"The Deliverer"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 8:30–41, Numbers 32:23, John 1:12, John 14:23, Psalm 1:1

November 17, 2019

"I AM"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 8:12–20, Genesis 1:3, John 8:7

November 3, 2019

"The Tenderness of Jesus"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 8:1–11

October 27, 2019

"The Search for Jesus"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 7:10–20, John 7:40–46, John 8:58, John 20:31

October 20, 2019

"The Gift of the Spirit"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 7:37–44, 2 Peter 1:4, Matthew 11:11, Revelation 22:17, John 6:35, Romans 5:5, Isaiah 5:1–3, Isaiah 58:11

October 13, 2019

"Christ In The World"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 7:1–9, Hebrews 13:8

October 6, 2019

"The Hard Truth"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 6:60–71

September 29, 2019

"God's Grace"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 6:36–47, Colossians 1:6, Romans 8:7–8, Romans 3:10, Acts 16:14, John 10:27

September 22, 2019

"Bread of Heaven"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 6:25–35, John 6:48–59, Jeremiah 15:16, Ephesians 5:18

September 15, 2019

"Lord of the Storm"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 6:16–21

September 8, 2019

"The X Factor"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 6:16–24

September 1, 2019

"The Path of His Power"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 6:1–14

August 25, 2019

"Jesus Is The Point"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 5:31–47

August 18, 2019

"Hearing the Voice of God"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 5:24–29, 1 John 5:11–13, 1 John 3:14, John 3:36, Romans 6:23

August 11, 2019

"Jesus Is..."

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 5:16–29

August 4, 2019

"A Lame Excuse"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 5:1–15, John 4:23

July 28, 2019

"At The Pool"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 5:1–15, Psalm 139:1–24

July 14, 2019

"The Second Sign"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 4:43–54, Romans 8:28

July 7, 2019


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 4:20–24

June 30, 2019

"Many Believed"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 4:39–42, Acts 1:8, John 2:23, Matthew 28:10

June 23, 2019


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 4:4–14, John 1:4, John 5:40, John 10:10, Acts 17:28

June 9, 2019

"Dry and Thirsty"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 4:4–26, Psalm 34:18

June 2, 2019


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 3:22–36, Hebrews 3:13, Colossians 3:16

May 26, 2019

"The Love and Wrath of God"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 3:13–26

May 19, 2019


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 3:1–8, Matthew 10:39

May 5, 2019

"He Knows"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 2:23–25, 1 Corinthians 1:9

April 28, 2019

"Holy Passion"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 2:13–22

April 21, 2019

"The Wonder and Certainty of the Resurrection"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 20:1–18, Ephesians 2:8–9

April 14, 2019


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 2:1–11, John 1:17, Amos 9:13–14, John 1:12

March 24, 2019

"When God Calls!"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 1:43–51, Ephesians 1:4–5, Isaiah 64:1

March 17, 2019

"Getting Connected"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 1:35–42,

March 10, 2019


Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 1:29–34, Romans 8:29, Ephesians 3:19, Colossians 2:3

March 3, 2019

"GRACE...Living a Life We Don't Deserve"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 1:14–18

February 24, 2019

"From Glory to Glory"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 1:14, Psalm 8:1, Psalm 19:1–6, 2 Corinthians 4:4–7

February 17, 2019

New New NEW

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 1:11–13, Matthew 7:21–22, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 7:18, James 1:18, Ephesians 2:10

February 3, 2019

"To All Who Received Him"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 1:9–13, John 20:31, John 8:32–34, Romans 8:16–17

January 27, 2019

"More Jesus"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 1:6–8, John 1:9, Romans 10:17, John 3:28–30, Psalm 115:1

January 20, 2019

"Light and Life"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 1:4, John 5:40, 1 John 5:11–12

January 13, 2019

"John's Gospel"

Series: The Gospel of John Passage: John 1:1–5