Sunday Worship begins 9:45 am





October 9, 2016 0 comments

How are you?

How many times have you avoided answering this question? I do, a lot, by saying one word… “good”. I mean how do you even begin to answer this question?  Here are some options on how to answer….

"I’m better on the inside than I look on the outside."
"Hopefully not as good as I'll ever be."
"If I was any better vitamins would be taking me."
"Living the dream!" (I say this one…sarcastically )

I was at Starbucks this past week and asked the barista how she was and she said… Caffeinated!  I thought that was good.

I want to give you two little challenges this week as you talk to people. The first one is only ask how are you if you really want to know and have time to listen to that person. So many times we say how are you like it means hi and we don’t even stop or attempt to listen. The second challenge is to actually answer the question this week, and be honest! How are you?

Relationships are so important… In Ephesians 4:2 the Bible says: "always be humble and gentle. Be patient and accept each other with love." We don’t always know what people are going through, or where they have been, or what really is going on in their life. Take time for people this week, show them love and be patient, just how Jesus is with us.

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