-Draft 4-
Appropriate Use Policy - We will not post personal photos or photos of a private nature of you or of your minor child without your permission, and we will not identify anyone in photos by more than their first name (and last initial if needed) - with the exception of church staff. If you see any photo on our website that is of you or your minor child that you want removed, please let us know and we will remove it immediately. You may see yourself, your minor children, and others in group photographs of public events. These events are not normally considered private in nature, and therefore we assume that you will not have privacy concerns about being photographed at them. However, if you see yourself or your minor child in a group photo and want it removed from the website, please let us know and we will remove it immediately. We may use group photos to help us promote church related events. We will not use group photos or private photos to promote any commercial product.
Copyright Notice - The contents of this website are copyrighted © by West Highland Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved. If you are a church member, please feel free to use the information for personal or church business, but please honor the spirit of our copyright. We do not knowingly use copyrighted works from other sources without permission.
Protection of Personal Information - We will not post personal information about you in public areas of the website without your permission. If you see anything on the website about you that you want removed, please let us know and we will remove it.
Oversight and Authorized Use - The website is overseen by the Elder Ministry of West Highland Baptist Church. Only approved individuals are allowed to post onto the website. If you have information to post on the website, please review our legal, privacy & copyright information and provide your material to one of the Communication Core Ministry Team members or the church office.
The Internet and our website - The West Highland Baptist Church website has some links that may take you to other websites outside of our domain. We provide these links as a convenience to you, but we do not have any control over their content or to the links they may contain. Some of these websites provide content that is displayed on our website on various pages. If you click on one of these links, you may be redirected away from our website. We are not responsible for what you see or where you may be redirected when you select one of these links.
Please Note: West Highland Baptist Church reserves the right to change this page and these policies at any time without prior notice.