Sunday Worship begins 9:45 am





February 8, 2015 0 comments

My new favorite word is ANOMALY. When I first heard it I had no clue what it meant and so I did what any normal human being would do… I “Googled” it. Anomaly is, “something that deviates from what is normal, standard or expected.” I like this word a lot and I can think of a lot of people who fit the definition really well.
We just finished a series in FUSE called Anomaly and really focused on how we need to be an anomaly when it comes to our
relationship with Jesus. In Romans 12:2 the Bible says,
                                              “do not conform to the pattern of this world”.
As people who claim to be Christians we should not fit in, we should stand out, we should not be ashamed of the Gospel (Romans 1:16) but so many times it is just easier to do what every one else does and talk how every one else talks. I really challenged the teens to be an anomaly for Jesus in every single area of their life not just where it’s easy to be. We talked about how Jesus was an anomaly and said some pretty crazy things like “love your enemies”, “pray for the people who give you a hard time and drive you crazy”, “serve thers”, etc.
Unfortunately there are things holding us back from being an anomaly for Jesus like; fear, being ashamed of Jesus, lack of faith, friends, work, and the list goes on. I think the world needs more anomalies…more people who care more about what Jesus thinks that what others think…
Are you an anomaly? What is it going to take for you to be an anomaly? We are totally equipped by God to deviate from the pattern of this world and what is normal and expected. Step out in faith this week to be an anomaly, not so others will notice you but so others will see Jesus in you!

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