Sunday Worship begins 9:45 am




From The Elders... Veterans Day

November 9, 2023 by Tracy Tomlins 0 comments

Posted in: From The Elders...

On November 11, 2023, our nation will observe Veterans Day, to honor and pay our respects to those who have served in the United States Armed Forces.  Many prominent figures have shown support and appreciation to our military men and women.  One individual who visited and supported U.S. troops in war zones was Rev. Billy Graham. 

Billy Graham always felt it was important to encourage and pray for our veterans.  On one occasion, he stated, “From time to time, we have had the opportunity to visit veterans’ hospitals.  After a service, we’ve gone from bed to bed talking and praying with the patients.  Many of these people feel neglected. They have lost limbs, eyesight or health in service to their country.  Some have been in the hospital for years and will remain there the rest of their lives.  What a price they have paid for all of us. I once talked to a man who had lost a leg in World War II.  When I remarked about the price he had paid, he said, “It was worth it, wasn’t it?” 

In 1966 and 1968, William C. Westmoreland, Commanding General of the American forces, invited Billy Graham to Vietnam to visit and preach to the troops at Christmas.  Mr. Graham visited aircraft carriers, air bases, hospitals, and jungle outposts during his time in that war torn country.  When he arrived in Vietnam on one of those trips, reporters swarmed him to find out if he supported the president’s policy regarding the war, Rev. Graham instead showed his support to the military men and women and heresponded by saying, “My only desire is to minister to our troops by my prayers and spiritual help wherever I can.” 

Upon his return home Rev. Graham said, “These men were daily facing death for the sake of their country and freedom.  As I gave invitations for them to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, hundreds raised their hands in front of their buddies.  Many were weeping unashamedly – men who had faced death just hours before.” 

Billy Graham honored military personnel and expressed, “The freedoms we enjoy, the freedoms we take so much for granted, the freedoms we so often trifle with were bought not by the gold of our millionaires, nor altogether the genius of our scientists, nor the sacrifices of the people at home, but primarily by the blood, sweat and agony of those who died that we might live!” 

“As we think of the selflessness and heroism of our military men and women, we are reminded of the words of Jesus Christ who said:  “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” “It is important to remember that there is a price for freedom. The blood of our forefathers speaks to this and we know from Scripture that while we cannot earn salvation from God, it cost Him the blood of His only Son, Jesus Christ.”  

This Veterans day, the West Highland Baptist Church family thanks all veterans for the sacrifices made in serving our country and protecting our freedoms.  May we never take for granted the cost of our freedoms.   With respect, honor, and gratitude – the Elders.


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