Sunday Worship begins 9:45 am




Music is Powerful!

September 11, 2016 0 comments

Music is powerful!  It can totally change your attitude and mood in a matter of seconds.  When it is time to have a dance party at my house… all I have to do is turn on Jock Jams on the Party Power speaker and every one is read to rock!  It's funny because every one has their own opinion of what is good music and what is bad, how loud or quiet it should be.  As for me I do not, at all, any way, like country… it’s just bad!!
I want to encourage you to find some new Christian songs that inspire, uplift, and get you pumped. The Bible talks a lot about music actually, the book of Psalms is filled with poetry and music. Jesus gives us a lot to sing about!  He is the reason we sing and shout to the Lord.
I love Psalm 96:1-2

"Sing a new song to the Lord! Let the whole earth sing to the Lord!

Sing to the Lord; praise His name.  Each day proclaim the good news that He saves."

It’s good to have a song or two that remind you of the promises of God and His great love for us. There are a few songs that I have been all over lately…

In the Eye Of The Storm byRyan Stevenson
Chain Breaker by Zach Williams
You Can’t Stop Me by Andy Mineo
Come As You Are by David Crowder

These are just a few that remind me things will be ok and God is in control!  What songs do you have?

So when you are in the car or shower or kitchen or church sing a new song to the Lord like no one is watching…even if you have a voice like mine, shout it out!

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