Sunday Worship begins 9:45 am




Time Alone

September 8, 2013 0 comments

I had to report for jury duty a couple of weeks ago, and thankfully I did not get selected!  I’m not sure why, but jury duty is just not my thing.  It almost took me a full day to find out I was not selected.

For whatever reason I did not bring a book with me, and you are not allowed to have your phone in the building.  So, from 8:30 to 11ish AND 1:30 - 2:30 I sat and did NOTHING.  I would love to say that it was a great time and it was so great to have a break, but it was miserable!  I could not stand it.  Why is it so hard to do nothing?  Some of you (teenagers) have no problem doing nothing at all, but I think a lot people have a hard time with it.  We are so busy being busy we never take time to slow down or come to a complete stop.  Maybe this is our own fault or maybe we can blame something or someone else, whatever the case I think we need to chill out and stop once and awhile.  We have a great example of Jesus doing this in His ministry.  In Mark 1:35 we see Jesus getting up early and taking off to a place where nobody was around. Why did Jesus do this? To talk to His Father!  Jesus knew that He HAD to have that time with God in order to stay fresh and energized.

It is so easy for us to wear ourselves out and over do it.  It is so easy to stay up later when we know we should go to bed.  It is so easy to say yes to a project you know you don’t have time for.  It is so easy to stay current with what is happening on social media and not turn your phone off for an hour.

What would happen if we would commit to making time where we do nothing (not even having our phone next to us) except sit and talk to God, or we sit and listen to God. This does not have to be every day but it’s a good habit to be in.

Try this week to get alone, and spend time with God! I hope you will be refreshed and re-energized.

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