Sunday Worship begins 9:45 am





September 1, 2022 0 comments

Posted in: Just a Thought

A SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR GUESTS AND MEMBERSHIP: We say “welcome”.  It is hoped that you will sense God’s presence in a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led worship service.  May the love of God and the congregation warm your hearts today; may HIS peace that passes all understanding quiet your spirit; may you be enriched by the Word of the Lord; may you find application, challenge, and reflection for your life in the message today; and may your faith be strengthened.

Who Did You Invite To Attend Church Today?  Who Is On Your List For Next Sunday? 

“Think how hard it is to change yourself, then you’ll be patient with others.”                                                                                                                      --Croft M. Pentz

“To love the world is no big chore.  It’s that miserable person next door who is the problem.”                                                                                      --The Fountain

 “To love butterflies, you must first care for the caterpillars.”                                                                                                                                            --Croft M. Pentz 

The little two-year-old was playing with a left over balloon which suddenly popped in his face.  He was startled, and about to burst into tears.  Thinking fast, the father grabbed an un-inflated balloon from the table, blew it up real big and then let it go.  Boy, did the two year old love that!  He laughed hysterically as he watched this balloon zipping around the room until it ran out of air and plopped down on the floor.  He was fine, and as he played this new balloon game, a funny analogy floated into my mind.  (Always looking for sermon material.)  

I was thinking… we need to be like these balloons, filled to the max with God’s power, and then…let go to accomplish that which HE pleases and purposes in our lives.   And equally important, we need to recognize when we are running out of air --- when we are deflated, depleted of His power, and anointing --- then we need to run back to Him for more, because we are not capable of living or serving on our own strength.

Let us re-charge, re-energize, and re-fuel through prayer, reading His Word, giving, serving, and Worship.  May others be added to the Kingdom because of our faithful witness and testimony. 

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